Be Beautiful
Professional Counseling
& Fitness

About Us
A Caring Community
Encouraging the world to Be Beautiful one person at a time. The Be Beautiful Foundation (BBF), a NJ 501(c)3 non-profit organization, promotes a healthy & wellness throughout our community with special consideration towards individuals living with intellectual & developmental disability (IDD). BBF offers professional counseling services online via tele-health with state licensed therapists, and fitness training with certified personal trainers & coaches. Consistent with our mission, BBF promotes an active lifestyle among those living with IDD by creating reduced cost, or no fee for service, and/or financial assistance opportunities for qualifying individuals seeking to engage in public sporting events.
Our Services
- 100 US dollars
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Recruit a certified personal trainer to help build a personalized plan to meet your fitness goals
100 US dollars - 80 US dollars
Being beautiful to me, means striving to be just a little bit better than the day before.
Cody Curatolo, Be Beautiful Foundation
Being Beautiful
Truly Top-Notch
A special congratulations to "M" for finishing her first full 5k with some special help from her very proud parents. Through her participation in the race, M was able to show her community what it means to #BeBeautiful
Be Beautiful Foundation is grateful to the members of our community whose kindness & generosity create new opportunities for our members
Platinum Feathers - ($1000 & Above)
Zoo Pak Athletic Club
Ian Graham
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Gold Feathers - ($500 - $999)
Jason Waters
JR Trans Llc
Silver Feathers - ($250 - $499)
Joseph Curatolo
Frederic Litzky
L&T Jones Concrete
Be Beautiful Feathers - ($100 - $249)
Mark Lindsay and Sons Plumbing & Heating
Zachary Korth
Elisa Gendron
Michele Litzky